Friday 10 May 2024


10 MAY 2024

Every year we are happy to celebrate Aidilfitri with our beloved family, but we should not forget those who cannot feel that joy because of the duties entrusted to them....

I have experienced this while serving with Royal Malaysian Navy ships... experiencing What it's like to fast and celebrate Eid in the middle of the vast ocean, traversing the Rejang River in Sibu Sarawak during Ops Jala Aman 1, and conducting EEZ patrol in the vast South China Sea... Throughout my 16 years of service with the Royal Malaysian Navy... as far as I can remember, I only had the opportunity to celebrate Hari Raya with my family only 4 times during the services... that was when I was serving with the Naval base... during my service onboard the ship... not even once was I able to celebrate Eid with my family at home... that is a memory that I will never forget for the rest of my life... but for the sake of duty to our country, We persevere to face all the challenges.

This photo of me and ODCR Roseli Zin, my colleague of the intake 139/80  was taken on board the RMN ship KD Ganas from 1st Squadron Fast Attack Craft (Missile) in the Singapore Strait in July 1981. This was our first ship as OJT (On Job Sea Training) For 6 months.

I can still recall when I first experienced fasting in the middle of the ocean during Ramadan. The ship is currently engaged in missile firing exercises in the South China Sea. The target ship is a former RMN Ship ex-KD Ledang that has been decommissioned.

After this for 16 years of serving with the Royal Malaysian Navy, I have gone through many experiences of fasting and celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri in the vast ocean.

While onboard KD Raja Jarom, from the 32nd Sealift Squadron of the RMN Ship, I had the chance to fast and celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri in the territorial waters of Sabah and Sarawak, during Ops Terumbu at Terumbu Layang-Layang or Swallow Reef in 1981/82. Swallow Reef is located in Sabah Waters.
On the morning of Hari Raya, a Royal Malaysian Airforce helicopter delivered Hari Raya parcels and cookies from the Family Welfare Organisation or BAKAT LAUT.

And have also had the experience of carry out patrol duties in the Rejang River in Sibu, Sarawak during Ramadan with the Royal Malaysian Navy Riverine Boat during Ops Jalan Aman 1 in 1983 / 84, launched by the RASCOM (Rajang Area Security Command) to crack down on the activities of PARAKU members (North Kalimantan People's Party) in Sarawak. During a time, we had sahur with only dry biscuits and pineapple jam...
I was attached to KD Sri Rejang Riverine Craft from 1983 - 1984 located at Sibu, Sarawak. 

I can still recall the morning of Hari Raya Aidilfitri in 1984, wearing a Baju Melayu to celebrate Hari Raya at the Dining Hall, then changing into a military uniform in the afternoon, and continuing to do patrol duties in Sungai Rejang.

Serving onboard KD Mutiara (1985-86) from the 36th Hydrographic Squadron based in Lumut, Perak, is also challenging because this is another RMN ship that rarely moored at the Lumut Base Jetty, a vessel that is always in the vast ocean. Fasting and celebrating Hari Raya once again in the territorial waters of Sabah to map the bed of the ocean floor in the Swallow Reef, also to gather and process hydrographic and oceanographic data, such as sea depth, wave height, and barometric pressure. With KD Mutiara, we also have the experience of crossing the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean on cruises to India and the Republic of Maldives in October 1985.

Ever had the experince of chasing a Siamese fishing trawler trespassing in Malaysian waters illegally during the month of Ramadan with KD Panah, Royal Malaysian Navy Patrol Craft from the 14th Squadron Patrol Craft based in Tanjung Gelang Naval Base at Kuantan, Pahang. This was in 1986-1987. Once again, celebrating Hari Raya at Sea. 

And also the task of patrolling Pulau Bidong in Terengganu, which accommodated Vietnamese refugees in 1987, with KD Sri Negri Sembilan, the 12th Squadron Patrol Craft based in Lumut, Perak.

With KD Ganyang, the 1st Squadron Fast Attack Craft (Missile) patrolling the territorial waters of Sabah in 1987, as well as the Federal Territory of Labuan and Swallow Reef.

Serving onboard KD Lekir, 22nd Corvette Squadron based at Lumut, Perak. A ship that rarely stayed moored for a long time at the jetty. I don't remember where I celebrated Hari Raya while onboard this ship.... I just remember we celebrated Eid at sea while serving on this ship.
This ship is often involved in patrol duties at sea and participates in many exercises at sea with naval ships from foreign countries.
During the time I served onboard this ship (1989 - 1992), the ship had participated in two International Royal Fleet Reviews, first in Penang in 1990 and then in Auckland, New Zealand in 1991.

Part of my experience while serving with the Royal Malaysian Navy for 16 years (1980-1996) was having experienced fasting at sea, celebrating Aidilfitri and Aidiladha in the middle of the ocean and river in Sarawak.

To the members of the security forces and other agencies who had to be on duty during Hari Raya... I wish you a very happy Eid Al-Fitr... indeed, the noble duty you undertake on this happy day has its reward from Allah swt. ..... In Sha Allah....

What I have written on this blog is among the most challenging tasks during my service onboard RMN Ships... among which was having to serve at sea during the fasting month of Ramadan and also during Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Hj Zulheimy Maamor
Lembah Keramat, KL
11 May 2024 > 2 Zulkaedah 1445H: 12.01 p.m

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