Sunday 12 May 2024

2014 & 2015 : LANCHANG, PAHANG

11 MEI 2024

Lanchang or so called Semantan is a small town in Temerloh District, located 32 km from the town of Temerloh. 
The main attraction in Lanchang was The Kuala Gandah Conversation Centre situated in Kampung Orang Asli Sungai Enggang, in Kampung Bolok Hulu, Lanchang, Temerloh, Pahang. 

The Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Centre (PKGK) is an elephant santuary located in Temerloh in the state of Pahang within the Krau Wildlife Reserve. It was established in 1989 by the Malaysian Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and form a base for the Elephant Relocation Team, since 1974 has been rescuing problem Asian elephants whose habitats are being lost to cultivation or development and relocating them to suitable habitats such as Taman Negara. 

I had the opportunity to visit this center while attending the Heart Disease Awareness Program meeting in Kampung Bolok Hulu in Lanchang, Pahang, which is located next to PKGK on 20 March 2014. Here, there is also an Orang Asli (aborigines) village that is often visited by foreign tourists.

The travel distance from our office in Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Gandah is 103 km and takes 1 hour 42 minutes.

Over the past 30 years, the center has successfully relocated more than 700 wild elephants. The purpose is to minimize the risk of extinction of the elephant species in this country.

The center also takes care of baby elephants abandoned by the herd and their mothers to ensure that these baby elephants survive.

The Asian elephant is now categorized as an increasingly endangered species, with an estimated number of less than 1,200 wild elephants in Peninsular Malaysia. Protecting Asian elephants directly helps protect thousands of other species found in the elephant's habitat. Elephants open trails and knock down trees that are essential natural food sources for smaller animals, such as natural bulldozers, as well as spreading seeds in their droppings. However, due to the shrinking of the habitat, elephants are now forced to find food on the edge of the forest, which has been transformed into plantations and human settlements. This invasion has caused conflict and losses for the parties involved. If the elephants are not relocated immediately, they may die either by being shot or poisoned by irresponsible parties.

Pangium Edule or Kepayang in Malay, a tall tree that produces a large poisonous fruit (the "football fruit" or "pangi") which can be made edible by fermentation. 

Nephelium is a genus of about 25 species of flowering plants in the family Sapindaceae, native to southeastern Asia.They are evergreen trees with pinnately compound leaves, and edible drupaceous fruit; one species, N. lappaceum (Rambutan) is commercially important for its fruit. The genus is closely related to Litchi and Dimocarpus.

The Heart Foundation of Malaysia Community Program for 2014 took place in Kampung Bolok Hulu Sokmik on 11 May 2014. This village is the hometown of one of our staff members, Shafiq Mahdzar. The program was organized in collaboration with JKKK Kg Bolok Hulu Sokmik and with the assistance of nurses from the Temerloh District Health Office.
Kampong Bolok Hulu is a traditional village located in Lanchang district, Pahang, about 95.1 kilometers from Kuala Lumpur.
Maybe many people have never heard the name Kampung Bolok Hulu including me before I arrived in this village. Actually, this village is located close to the Elephant Conservation Center in Kuala Gandah, the Deer Conservation Center in Bukit Rengit and also the Biodiversity Institute also in Bukit Rengit.

During the program in Kg Bolok Hulu, we stayed at Villa Rengit located at Institut Biodiversiti at Bukit Rengit, Lanchang, Pahang. 
Institut Biodiversiti is the training centre for staff of Wildlife Department. It also conduct Biodiversity Education Program (PPBD) for school students, Universities and colleges. 
Malaysia is recognised as one of the 17 richest biodiversity in the world or Megadverse country. 

Felda Lakum is a name that is associated with a forest tree that can be found in the Lakum forest reserve. 
FELDA Lakum was developed by Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) in 1975/76, located in Mukim Semantan, Temerlah District, Pahang.

On 17 May 2015, the Heart Foundation of Malaysia held a Health Screening program at FELDA Lakum, Lanchang, Pahang.

We stayed at a homestay belonging to Mahdzar's uncle in Kg. Bolok Hulu during the program.

On 29 November 2015, the Heart Foundation of Malaysia organized a Health Screening program at Kg Bolok Hulu Sokmek, Lanchang, Pahang. It is the hometown of one of the team members, Mr. Mahdza.
A total of 62 villagers underwent a Health Checkup test that day. We spent the night at a homestay belonging to Mahdza's uncle.

Lanchang is a small town but beautiful upcoming tourist destination that is worth a visit. Lanchang may not be as popular as other cities in Malaysia, but don't let that fool you, you'll be surprised by some of the unique things to do and places you can explore at this hidden destination, such as Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary, Deerland Park is definitely worth visiting once !

Hj Zulheimy Maamor
Lembah Keramat, KL
12 May 2024 > 4 Zulkaedah 1445H: 7.38 p.m

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