Friday 12 July 2024


11 JULY 2024

Pulau Pinang or Penang is a Malaysian state located on the northwest coast of Peninsular Malaysia along the Straits of Malacca. It has two parts,the Penang Island, where the capital city George Town is located and Seberang Perai on the Malay Peninsula. These two halves are physically connected by the Penang Bridge and The Second Penang Bridge
The state shares borders with Kedah to the north and east and Perak to the south. Established by Francis Light in 1786, Penang became part of the Straits Settlement, a British Crown Colony also comprising Melaka and Singapore. 

My first experience in Penang was in 1981 while serving with the Royal Malaysian Navy's Fast Attack Craft, KD Ganas, which was then moored at the Penang Jetty.

KD GANAS (P3503) - the Perdana -class of Fast Attact Craft (Missile) of the Royal Malaysian Navy. The ship was commissioned on 28 February 1973. The other three of the same class are KD Perdana (P3501), KD Serang (P3502) and KD Ganyang (P3504).
I have served with 2 ships from this squadron namely KD Ganas (1981/82) and KD Ganyang (1987). 

Then, in May 1990, while serving with the KD Lekir, from the 22nd Corvette Squadron, we were involved in the Royal Malaysian Navy, International Royal Fleet Review that took place in Penang from 17th to 21st May 1990.

KD LEKIR (F26) - a Kasturi-class corvette currently serving in the Royal Malaysian Navy. Together with her sister ship KD Kasturi serves in the 22nd Corvette Squadron of the Royal Malaysian Navy. She was commissioned on 15 August 1984 at Kiel, Germany.  

A Royal Fleet Review is a formal inspection of the Fleet of the Navy by the monarch. Warships from friendly nations would also be present by formal invitation. 

The first recorded Fleet Review took place in 1415 when King Henry V reviewed his fleet before sailing to France to take in the 100 years War. 

Malaysia also organized the International Royal Fleet Review in May 1990 in Penang. This event was in conjunction with the 55th anniversary of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) and the celebration of Visit Malaysia Year 1990.

A total of 59 warships from 21 countries have participated in the RMN IRFR in Penang including the USA, Russia, Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, France, India, Oman, Japan, Italy, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and some other countries that I don't really remember.

The Yang Di Pertuan Agong, His Royal Highness Sultan Azlan Shah with Chief of Naval Staff Laksamana Madya Tan Sri Abdul Wahab bin Nawi onboard KD Mutiara. 

The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato'Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad during the Fleet Review at Penang, May 1990.

The highlight was the Fleet Inspection by His Majesty the King of Malaysia. During the inbound voyage of naval ships from various countries to the Port of Penang, KD Lekir was honored to return a 21-gun salute from Malaysia Royal Artillery at Penang. 

KD Mutiara was assigned as an Inspection ship, carrying His Majesty the Yang Di Pertuan Agong Sultan Azlan Shah, accompanied by the Prime Minister Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and other dignitaries.
KD Mutiara was launched on 13 November 1976, equipped with technology to carry out offshore operations and oceanographic studies in tropical seas. The ship has travelled 220,000 km - which is equal to six times around the world. The ship was decommissioned on 20 July 2018. I have served onboard this ship in 1985-86. 

During those five historic days, Penang was transformed into a naval city. The city was filled with navy personnel from 21 countries, each wearing their unique and beautiful national uniforms.

Another ceremony that is equally interesting is the "Freedom of Entry" ceremony for Royal Malaysian Navy and Navy Ships that participate in the parade around Penang City.
The Freedom of Entry to the City of Penang is a right which is granted upon a military unit (especially Navy) by a local government authorising that unit to march through the streets of the city on a ceremonial occassion, they march to the staging point to meet the official party or any representative from the Government of the Head of the country. 

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) was formed in 1 March 1901 as The Commonwealth Naval Forces. Royal Australian Navy has participated in numbers of wars including the First and the Second World War, Korean War, Malayan Emergency, Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation and the Vietnam War. 
Today RAN consist of nearly 50 commissioned vessels, ships comissioned into RAN are given the prefix HMAS (His Majesty Australian Ship). 
Two Major bases of RAN are HMAS Kuttabul, Sydney and HMAS Stirling, Perth. Other 3 bases are HMAS Cairns, Cairns, HMAS Coonawarra, Darwin and HMAS Waterhen, Sydney. 

French Navy or Marine Nationale, informally La Royale is the maritime arm of the French Armed Forces. Founded in the 17th century the French Navy is one of the oldest navies still in continous service.
Today it is among the largest and most powerful naval forces in the world recognise as being the blue-water navy. 

Indian Navy, the maritime branch of the Indian Armed Forces, its history dated back 6,000 years to the Pre-Indus Valley civilisation. However, the origin of the Indian Navy date to 1612.
Today Indian Navy comprises about 150 ships and submarines. The major bases are located at Mumbai, Goa, Karwar,Kochi, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata and Port Blair. 

The Indonesian Navy or Tentera Nasionalis Indonesia - Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) was founded on 10 September 1945. The Navy is headed by Chief of Staff of the Navy (Kepala Setaf Angkatan Laut). TNI-AL consist of 3 major fleets known as Komando Armada 1 at Tg Uban,  Komando Armada II at Surabaya and Komando Armada III in Sorong and one Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Military Sealift Command).  

Royal Navy of Oman (RNO) is traceable to the reign of Imam Ghassan bin Abdullah (807-824 CE), the first ruler of Oman to posessess a navy, with a standing Royal Navy of Oman formally established in 1650. The Navy HQ are in Seeb, near the Muscat International Airport. 

Corps of Royal Marines, UK's amphibious Special Operations capable Commando Force, one of the five fighting arms of the Royal Navy. 
The Royal Marines traces their origins back to the formation of "Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot" on 28 October 1664 and the first Royal Marines Commando unit was formed at Deal in Kent on 14 February 1942. 
Today the Royal Marines were a conventional warfare unit with a number of specialists skills, become part of the world's most elite amphibious force, ready to deploy anytime, anywhere - and who stop at nothing. 

The Russian Navy has existed in various forms since 1696 by Peter the Great. Its present iteration was formed in January 1992 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in late December 1991. 
The Russian navy possesses the vast majority of the former Soviet naval forces, and currently comprises the Northern Fleet, the Pacific Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, the Baltic Fleet, the Caspian Flotilla, the permanent task force in the MediterraneanNaval Aviation, and the Coastal Troops (consisting of the Naval Infantry and the Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops).

Royal Thai Navy (Kong Thap Ruea Thai), established in 1906, was modernised by Admiral Prince Abhakara Kiartiwongse (1880-1923), who is knows as "Father of the Royal Navy". The RTN HQ is at Sattahip Naval Base. 
The navy operates three naval area commands (NAC): Northern Gulf of Thailand (First NAC); Southern Gulf of Thailand (Second NAC); and the Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean) (Third NAC). RTN also has two air wings and one flying unit on its aircraft carrier.

United State Navy is the world's most powerful Navy and the largest by tonnage. It has the world's largest Aircraft Carrier Fleet with 11 in service. 
The U.S. Navy trace its origins to the Continental Navy, which was established during American Revolutionary War. 


Australia : HMAS Canberra, HMAS Westralia & HMAS Derwent
Bangladesh : BNS Ali Haider & BNS Umar Farooq
Brunei Darussalam : KDB Waspada
Great Britain : HMS Cardiff
India : INS Gangga & INS Khukri
Indonesia : KRI Ahmad Yani & KRI Hasanuddin
Italy : ITS Lebeccio
Jepun : JDS Katori, JDS Setoyuki & JDS Haruyuki
New Zealand : HMNZS Waikato
Oman : SNV Nash Al Bahr
Peranchis : FNS Marne & FNS CDT Duching
Rusia : BPK Admiral Tributs
Singapore : RSS Victory
Sri Lanka : SNLS Jaya Sagara
Thailand : HMTS Khirirat
Turkey : TCG Turgutreis
USA : USS Bunker Hill

There are some other countries that are not in my records, have tried to get information of other countries involved but not found either.

Russian Destroyer, Admiral Tributs a large anti-Submarine Ship, known in the west as an Udaloy-class destroyer, the ship is named after Admiral Vladimir Filippovich Tributs. Lauched in 1983, Admiral Tributs serves in the Russian Pacific Fleet. 

BNS ALI HAIDER, a Leopard-class Type 41 anti-aircraft Frigate of the Bangladesh navy. She served in the Bangladesh Navy from 1978 to 2014. The ship is name after the fourth Rashidun Caliph Ali. 
Previousli a British Royal Navy, HMS Jaguar, sold to Bangladesh Navy on 6 July 1978. 

BNS UMAR FAROOQ, a Salisbury-class Frigate of the Bangladesh Navy, the first frigate to enter service with the Bangladesh Navy. The ship was named after second Rashidun Caliph Umar. 
Previously HMS Llandaff, she was commissioned to Bangladesh Navy on 10 December 1976. She was based at Chittagong, serving with the Commodore Commanding  BN Flotilla. 

FNS COMMANDANT DUCUING (F795), is a D'Estienne d'Orves-class aviso in the French Navy. The vessel is home port at Toulun. Launched on 26 September 1981 and commissioned on 17 March 1983. 

FNS MARNE (A630), A Durance-class command and replenishment tanker of the French Navy. The ship was considered as a flagship and served as such in the Indian Ocean. The ship was commissioned on 16 January 1987 and decommissioned on 20 October 2023.  

HMAS CANBERRA (FFG02), was an Adelaide class Guided Missile Frigate of the Royal Australian Navy. The Frigate was commissioned on 21 March 1981 and decommissioned on 12 November 2005. The ship helped enforce the post-Gulf War United Nation sanction against Iraq during 1992 and 1993, was part of the Australian responses to the 1998 Indonesian riots and the 2000 Solomon Island Civil War, and returned to Persian Gulf in 2002 as part of the war in Afghanistan. 

HMAS DERWENT (DE 49), named after the Derwent River, was a River-Class Destroyer escort of the Royal Australian Navy. She was commissioned on 8 April 1961 and decommissioned on 8 August 1994. The ship involved in the Malaysian-Indonesian confrontation  (1964-66) and Vietnam War. 
The ship's service during the Malaysian-Indonesian Confrontation was later recognised with the "Battle Honour" Malaysia 1964-66, the only one to be earned by the ship. 

HMAS WESTRALIA (O195) - a Leaf-Class Replenishment Oiler which served with the Royal Australian Navy from 1989 - 2006. Formerly RFA Appleleaf (A79), the British Royal Fleet Auxilliary from 1975-1989. 

HMNZS WAIKATO (F55) - a Leander Batch 2TA frigate of the Royal New Zealand Navy. The ship was commissioned on September 1966, and decommissioned on 1998. 

HMS CARDIFF (D108) - a British Type 42 Destroyer and the third ship of the Royal Navy to be named in honour of the Welsh capital city of Cardiff. 
The ship was commissioned on 24 September 1979 and had served in the Falksland War where she was involved in the 1982 British Army Gazelle friendly fire incident. She later participated in the Gufl-War 1991 and build-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. HMS Cardiff was decommissioned on 14 July 2005.

HTMS KHIRIRAT, Tapi-Class corvettes commissioned on 10 August 1974. The ship were modernised during the 1980s.

INS GANGA (F22) > a Godavari-class Guided Missile Frigate of the Indian Navy. She was commissioned in the Indian Navy on 30 December 1985. INS Ganga was decommissioned from active service on 22 March 2018. 

INS KHUKRI (P49) - Khukri-class Corvette was commissioned on 23 August 1989. The ship was named INS Khukri (P149) that was sunk off the Coast of Diu, Gujarat, India by the Pakistan Navy Daphne-class submarine Hangor on 9 December 1971 during the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, the only Indian Navy ship to be ever lost in combat. INS Khukri was decommissioned on 23 Decemb er 2021.

JDS HARUYUKI (DD-128) - a Hatsuyuki-class destroyer of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. She was commissioned on 14 March 1985, and was decommissioned on 13 March 2014.  

JDS KATORI (TV-3501) - a Training vessel of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force launched in 1968 and decommissioned in 1998. 

JDS SETOYUKI (DD131/TV-3518) - a Hatsuyuki-class destroyer of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. She was commissioned on 17 December 1986 and decommissioned on 23 December 2021. 

KDB WASPADA (P-02) - Waspada class small Missile Boat of the Royal Brunei Navy was commissioned on 3 October 1978. She was decommissioned on 15 April 2011 and was sold to Indonesian Navy, and is currently active in Indonesia as KRI Salawaku. 

KRI AHMAD YANI (351) - The Ahmad Yani class of six general-purpose frigates were acquired by the Indonesian Navy in the 1980s. Originally built in the Netherlands for the Royal Netherlands Navy as the Van Speijk class which were license-built versions of the British Leander class. 

KRI HASANUDIN (333) - a Frigate type patrol ship of the Indonesian Navy. She was launched in 1962 as HMS Tartar (F133), named after the Tartar ethnic located in Asia and Eastern Europe,  and sold to Indonesia Navy as KRI Hasanudin in 1986. 

LEBECCIO (F572) - is the third ship of Maestrale-class Frigate of the Italian Navy. The ship was commissioned on 5 February 1983. Lebeccio went modernization in 2007 and 2010. 

RSS VICTORY (88) - the lead ship of the Victory-class Corvettes of the Republic of Singapore Navy. The ship was commissioned on 18 August 1990. 

SLNS JAYASAGARA (P601) - an Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) of the Sri Lanka Navy. It was the lead ship of the locally built Jayasagara class. She served as the flagship of the fleet in the 1980s and 1990s. 
She was decommissioned on 30 September 2021 and handed over to the Sri Lanka Coast Guard. 

SNV NASH AL BAHR (L2) - an amphibious warfare vessel operated by the Royal Navy of Oman. The vessel was commissioned in 8 February 1985. 

TCG TURGUTREIS (F241) - Yavuz-class Frigate designed in Germany, was commissioned in 4 February 1988. 

USS BUNKER HILL (CG-52) - was a Ticonderoga-class Guided Missile Cruiser of the United States Navy. The ship was commissioned on 20 September 1986 and was homeported at Naval Base San Diego, California. 
USS Bunker Hill saw service in the Persian Gulf during the Gulf War and deployed off the Somalian boast to prevent privacy. 
USS Bunker Hill was decommissioned on 22 September 2023 at Naval Base San Diego. 

In conjunction with the RMN International Royal Fleet Review, Penang City has been declared a Naval City.

The International Royal Fleet Review at Penang 1990 will remain a sweet memory for those who were involved in the largest Parade ever held by the Royal Malaysian Navy. 

The good thing for me, serving with KD Lekir was that I had the opportunity to participate in 2 International Fleet Review, namely the Royal Malaysian Navy International Royal Fleet Review in Penang (1990) and the New Zealand Navy International Royal Fleet Review in Auckland, New Zealand the following year in 1991.

That is the sweetest memory when serving with KD Lekir.....

Further Reading:

Hj Zulheimy Maamor
Lembah Keramat, K.L
13 July 2024 : 7 Muharram 1446H: 12.54 a.m

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